NOTE: The policies and procedures related to integrated undergraduate and professional degrees described below apply to students who matriculated at Case Western Reserve University before the 2022-2023 academic year.  These policies and procedures are under review and may be different for students who matriculate at Case Western Reserve University during the 2022-2023 academic year and thereafter. IGS is ONLY available to students who are currently juniors (Spring 2024).

The Integrated Graduate Studies (IGS) Program is intended for highly motivated undergraduate students who wish to complete the academic requirements of both a BA and MA degree in anthropology. It is possible to obtain the MA degree simultaneously with completion of the BA degree because courses taken during your senior year can be applied towards the completion of the requirements for both degrees. Course schedules must of course be constructed so that the courses taken during your senior year are appropriate for both degrees. Below is a guideline to help determine eligibility and apply to the IGS program.


→ STEP 1

Schedule a meeting with Steven P. Scherger, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, before the beginning of your 3rd year to determine eligibility and discuss the application process.

Have you completed the eligibility requirements listed below?

  • Completion of 90 credit-hours of which the last 60 hours must have been in residence at Case Western Reserve University.
  • Completion of all of the GERs and SAGES general education requirements. (Students may complete their SAGES Capstone during their first year in IGS).
  • Completion of two semesters of PHED.
  • Completion of at least 23 major credit requirements.
  • Met with Dean Steven Scherger, Undergrad Studies

If you have answered “yes” to all of the above, proceed to step 2.

→ STEP 2

Schedule a meeting with our graduate advisor, Dr. Lee Hoffer, to develop an IGS Planned Program of Study.

IMPORTANT DEADLINES: Interested students who fulfill the college requirements for the IGS program must apply to the anthropology graduate program preferably by March 1 for Fall semester or November 1 for spring semester of their junior year.


→ STEP 3

Apply online to the School of Graduate Studies for admission. NOTE: The $50 application fee is waived when you apply.

A complete application includes:

  • a Planned Program of Study (PPOS) signed by you and the Anthropology Department Graduate Student Advisor. [NOTE: After you have submitted the application online, the PPOS is sent to Undergraduate Studies for a dean’s approval and signature. You will receive an email from Undergraduate Studies when the PPOS has been approved.]
  • a statement of purpose
  • three letters of recommendation or more
  • the on-line application

→ STEP 4

Upon admission to the program, IGS students register as students in the School of Graduate Studies and are subject to the policies, rules and regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. They may, however, continue to receive merit-based undergraduate scholarships and may continue to reside in undergraduate housing during what would normally be their senior year of undergraduate work.


→ STEP 5

New students will be assigned a Graduate Student Advisor to help organize a program of study.

Anthropology MA requirements are as follows:

  • Completion of 30 hours of graduate credit, including an approved statistics course (3 hours) in which the student earns a grade of C or better.
  • No more than 6 semester hours may be taken in 300-level courses.
  • All M.A. candidates are required to maintain a minimum cumulative average of 3.0 (“B”).
  • “Pass” or “High Pass” the six-hour comprehensive written Anthropology MA examination, usually during the spring semester. The examination must be taken before completing 30 hours of graduate work.


The BA degree will be awarded upon meeting all requirements for a baccalaureate degree, which should occur by the end of your senior year. The MA degree will be awarded after successfully completing 30 graduate credit hours and ‘passing’ the comprehensive examination.