Annual Kassen Lecture featuring Dr. Claire Wendland

Each year the Department of Anthropology presents the Kassen Lecture, featuring a top female scholar in the social sciences to present a lecture to the department and to the campus community. The Kassen Lecture for 2016 will feature Dr. Claire Wendland, Professor, Departments of Anthropology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Medical History and Bioethics, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her talk title is “Dangerous Care: Reproductive Violence, Fast and Slow.” October 13, 2016 from 4:15 to 5:30. Generously supported by an annuity from the late Drs. Aileen and Julian Kassen.

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CWRU Anthropology and Engineering Students Collaborate on Global Health Issues in Uganda

As featured in The Daily, 10 Case Western Reserve University anthropology and engineering students traveled to Uganda to work alongside 11 biomedical engineering students from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. The students are participating in a course titled “Interdisciplinary Solutions to Global Health Problems,” a collaboration between biomedical engineering and medicine professor, Andrew Rollins, and anthropology professor, Janet McGrath.

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Student Seminar on Summer Experiences

Join us on October 30th from 12:00 - 1:00 for a student seminar on summer experiences in Mather Memorial 201. Hear from anthropology undergraduate students and learn about their hands-on research, both locally and around the world, and the amazing opportunities out there for anthropology students. Refreshments and light snacks...

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Paleoecology Symposium

This September 10-12, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History (Denise Su, Curator of Paleobotany and Paleoecology) and Case Western Reserve University (Darin Croft, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy; and Scott Simpson, Professor of Anatomy and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology) are organizing a symposium on “Latest Methods in Reconstructing Cenozoic...

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