Seinenu Thein-Lemelson Lecture

March 23, 2017

11:30 – 12:45 PM


This lecture, co-sponsored with the Schubert Center for Child Studies, is featuring Seinenu Thein-Lemelson, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute of Personality and Social Research (IPSR), University of California, Berkeley. The lecture is entitled “Fear and Silence in Burma and Indonesia: Comparing Two National Tragedies and Tracing Possible Pathways Towards Resilience.”


There is a growing literature indicating that individuals often respond to traumatic experience with resilience, yet it is not clear what specific factors facilitate recovery. In particular, it has been challenging to identify the larger historical, structural, political, and cultural factors that predict individual outcome in the context of life-span development.  This lecture will discuss the comparative case analysis of two historic national tragedies in Southeast Asia: one in Burma, the other in Indonesia. The two case studies illuminate how the social and political landscape, following traumatic events, can be shaped to allow victims of trauma to thrive, rather than recede into silence.

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Robert Lemelson Seminar

March 23, 2017

2:00 – 5:00 PM


This seminar, co-sponsored with the Schubert Center for Child Studies, is featuring Robert Lemelson, Ph.D., Research Anthropologist, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience; Associate Adjunct Professor, UCLA; Department of Anthropology; President, Foundation for Psychocultural Research, Kepala Desa, Elemental Productions. The seminar is entitled “Afflictions: Steps Towards and Integration of Visual, Medical and Psychological Anthropology.” 


The ubiquity and inexpensive quality of visual technologies is revolutionizing social science, including Anthropology. But while most anthropologists conducting fieldwork use some form of visual technology in their practice, few do it in a disciplined and systematic way. This seminar will focus the theory and practice of a proposed  new subfield in Anthropology entitled Visual Psychological Anthropology, and will be centered around issues involved in the creation of a six part documentary series entitled “Afflictions: Culture.”


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Join us in Celebration of National Anthropology Day

February 16, 2017

12:00 – 2:00PM

The Department of Anthropology invites you to stop by their table in Tinkham Veale Center Smith Commons on February 16, 2017 between 12:00 and 2:00 pm. Learn about the exciting opportunities open to anthropologists and enjoy a piece of cake in celebration of National Anthropology Day!

Celebrate National Anthropology Day!

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“Material Life Circumstances and Children’s Subjective Well-Being: Cross-National Comparisons of 16 Countries”

Postdoctoral Scholar, Daphna Gross-Manos, PhD, will discuss the relationship between material situation and happiness among children using the findings of the International Survey of Children’s Well-Being. While household income is almost exclusively used as a proxy for a child’s material situation, Gross-Manos will review two alternative measures for children’s...

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Lambda Alpha Membership Applications Being Accepted Now

If you are interested in joining Lambda Alpha, the international honors society for anthropology students, and meet the requirements linked here, please bring your initiation fee and file an application in the main office of the Anthropology Department located in Mather Memorial 238. New members can only be nominated to the national office once a year so this is the opportunity for this year.

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