Pre-Dissertation Funding

Organization Link Updated Link (If Needed) Brief Description
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program is funding for graduate students pursuing research-based Master’s or Ph.D. degrees. It is open to those who have completed no more than twelve months of full-time graduate study.
Eva L. Pancoast Memorial Fellowship N/A This award is open to women students interested in foreign study or travel. The amount of the fellowships vary, but generally range from $1,000 to $3,500.
Graduate Social Justice Fellowship N/A Two fellowships, up to $3,500 are available annually for students to carry out research related to social justice.
Phi Beta Kappa Student Research Grants N/A The Phi Beta Kappa national honor society sponsers research grants for undergraduates and graduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. The research grants range up to a few hundred dollars. There are no set number of grants. The funds are generally intended to support research itself, rather than living expenses in the Cleveland area.
School of Graduate Studies Outside Funding page N/A Lists of grants from outside funders
NSF Other Opportunities Page N/A Lists of grants from outside funders