General Information

The undergraduate concentration in archaeology reconstructs the customs and daily life of people who lived in the past by excavating and analyzing the material remains of the sites of human occupation. At the same time, archaeology seeks to understand the evolution of culture and society by determining how and why changes in human society occurred over the past five million years that our species has inhabited the earth.

This concentration provides students with the background and skills for further graduate study in anthropology and for professional study in the medical sciences. It also provides students with many other transferable skills, including a biocultural perspective on human biology and culture and the ability to analyze data, interpret findings, and communicate them effectively. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to conduct independent projects at other institutions, including the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.


ARCHAEOLOGY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS [Minimum requirement of 10 courses | 30 credits]
Required core courses 12
ANTH 102 Being Human: Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
ANTH 103 Introduction to Human Evolution 3
ANTH 107 Archaeology: An Introduction 3
ANTH 319 Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences/or equivalent 3
At least one course dealing with a geographic area, such as 3
ANTH 202 Archaeology of Eastern North America 3
ANTH 312 Ethnography of Southeast Asia 3
ANTH 314 Cultures of the United States 3
ANTH 331 The Most Ancient Near East 3
ANTH 333 Roots of ancient India: Archaeology of South Asia 3
ANTH 349 Cultures of Latin America 3
ANTH 353 Chinese Culture and Society 3
Three approved archaeology courses, such as 9
ANTH 202 Archaeology of Eastern North America 3
ANTH 320A Field Methods and Field Work in Archaeology 3
ANTH 320B Field Methods and Field Work in Paleoanthropology 3
ANTH 331 The Most Ancient Near East 3
ANTH 333 Roots of Ancient India: The Archaeology of South Asia 3
ANTH 399 Independent Study (if approved by advisor) 3
Summer fieldwork
Approved anthropology electives [Minimum two courses] 6
Total Credits 30

ARCHAEOLOGY MINOR REQUIREMENTS [Minimum requirement of 5 courses | 15 credits]

Required core courses 9
ANTH 102 Being Human: Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
ANTH 103 Introduction to Human Evolution 3
ANTH 107 Archaeology: An Introduction 3
At least one geographic area course AND one approved archaeology course 6
Total Credits 15


Click here for a PDF version of Archaeology course requirements and a list of approved electives.